Connie Nye infuses her passion for environmental education and teaching into this chapter book. Description from Barnes & Noble:

"The hunt is on. While playing on a beautiful summer day, Wyatt Nystrom and his dog, Benny, find a tennis ball with a mysterious message. The ball is just the hook to get kids like Wyatt and his cousin, Danni, involved in a journey upstream to unravel the madness of the Brandywine. With the help of creek pals throughout the watershed and numerous hands-on activities throughout the story, Wyatt and Danni discover a community of natural wonders, scientific studies, folklore, and crazy characters, all brought together by a remarkable creek. This is a story that not only engages the reader with its plot, but also with its interactive approach. Its a novel and an entertaining way to learn about watershed science."

Notes on the book: The story is 255 pages, with appendixes that expand the story and include activity ideas such as a "runoff race". Other topics include:

1.Procedures & Biotic Index Chart for Stream Study

2.Stream Study: Physical & Chemical Testing of the Creek 

3. Timeline of Events in the Brandywine Watershed